| Kamis, 20 Juli 2017 | |
Have a lot of money, what do you think? When all of the people have much money, they would already have a plan to be used for what the money is. Maybe to shop, to buy a house, or to travel. Just like me, when I have a lot of money I plan to travel to Japan. The country is known as the country sakura has many good sights.
One of the places that tourists usually visit is Ueno Park. This park is in downtown Tokyo. In the park, ita can see the beauty of cherry blossoms with family or with friends. The activity, in Japan known dngan Hanami terms that see the flowers.

In certain seasons, for example at the end of winter and it enters the bloom of cherry blossoms. Sakura in Japan is approximately blooming around March to May. And for the time of blooming cherry only last about 10 days - 14 days. That's why I chose to visit this place.

Actually, not only in Japan sakura country can appear, in Indonesia there is also in botanical garden cibodas. But the color and atmosphere is different from those in Japan.

The second place I want to visit is Paris. Paris is famous for its tower called the Eiffel Tower. I do not know why I want to visit the place, for me the place is nice to visit.

The third country is Dubai. I am interested to come to the place because there are many places that I really want to visit. For example Palm Jumeirah. Palm Jumeirah is an artificial island in the shape of a palm tree. Palm Jumeirah is one of the largest artificial islands in the world and also evidence of human intelligence. There is a wide choice of hotels, apartments and also luxury villas on the island. To reach this island we can use monorail or car.

Well, that's a place you might be able to go too when you have a lot of money. So, from now on have to save a lot in order to go to the place.

Jaaaa.. Mata ashita.. J

TOKYO GIRL “Gadis Berjalan di Masa Depan”

| Kamis, 13 Juli 2017 | |

TOKYO GIRL adalah sebuah film romance fantasi Jepang yang ditayangkan pada tahun 2008, menceritakan tentang seorang gadis dari masa depan yang bisa berkomunikasi dengan seorang pria dimasa lampau menggunakan sebuah telepon genggam. Diperankan oleh Kaho (Miho), Kazuma Sano (Miyata Tokijirou), Naomi Akimoto (Ibu Miho), dan Yoshimasa Kondo (Paman Atsushi). Dalam ceritanya, bermula ketika terjadi sebuah gempa di Jepang dan munculnya lubang cacing. Lubang cacing adalah sebuah lorong waktu yang dipercaya bisa menghubungkan masa lalu dengan masa sekarang. ketika lubang cacing muncul, benda apapun yang masuk kedalam nya akan terlempar ke masa lampau.

Seorang pria dari masa lampau berhasil menemukan sebuah ponsel ketika telah terjadi gempa, diwaktu yang sama Fujisaki Miho seorang gadis dari masa depan yang kehilangan sebuah telepon genggamnya ketika sedang menuruni sebuah tangga saat terjadi gempa.

Miho-san berusaha untuk mencari telepon genggamnya, sampai ketika bulan purnama tiba, teleponnya tersebut bisa terhubung. Pria tersebut adalah Miyata Tokijirou, seorang murid dari Natsume Souseki yang merupakan novelis terkenal dijamannya. Tokijirou sangat menginginkan untuk mempunyai novel yang ia tulis sendiri sebagai karyanya dimasa itu ataupun masa depan.
Miho-san yang berada dimasa depan, telah membantu Tokijirou untuk dapat menulis novelnya dengan baik. Hari berganti, komunikasi yang mereka lakukan semakin baik, dan Miho mendapatkan sebuah hadiah yang diberikan oleh Tokijirou dari zaman Meiji, melalui sebuah Toko kerajinan.

” Bahkan jika waktu 100 tahun memisahkan kita. Masih terasa seperti jantung kamu berada dalam inci.”   Itulah kutipan yang diberikan oleh Tokijirou kepada Miho.

Sampai suatu hari Miho mendapatkan berita berita dari teman ibunya yang juga seorang penulis, Paman Atsushi ,tentang kabar kematian Tokijirou dimasa lalu. Mendengar hal  itu, Miho berusaha untuk memberitahu Tokijirou agar mengikuti perkataannya supaya terhindar dari kematiannya tersebut. Tapi Tokijirou tetap bersikukuh untuk melakukan apa yang harus dia lakukan. Dalam hal ini Tokijirou bermaksud untuk menyelamatkan seorang gadis yang hampir tenggelam didanau. Gadis tersebut adalah anak dari pemilik toko kerajinan yang kelak akan menjaga hadiah yang akan diberikan Tokijirou kepada Miho.

100 tahun berlalu sejak kejadian itu, Paman Atsushi berhasil menemukan skrip asli tulisan tangan Tokijirou dari cucu Adiknya. Naskah tersebut yang akhirnya diterbitkan sebagai novel pertama Tokijirou. “Gadis Berjalan di Masa Depan” adalah judul novel Tokijirou yang terinspurasi dari pertemuannya dengan Miho melalui sebuah telepon genggam.

Mendaki Gunung Sindoro

| Kamis, 13 Juli 2017 | |

Mendaki gunung, sekarang adalah hal yang bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja, termasuk anak muda jaman sekarang. Kalau jaman dulu, mendaki gunung itu diperlukan pengetahuan yang cukup atau minimal sudah mengenali medan pendakian, namun sekarang karena sudah banyak nya orang yang tertarik untuk mendaki gunung, bagi mereka adasaja yang menganggapnya itu mudah. Padahal untuk mendaki gunung sangat diperlukan persiapan fisik yang cukup seperti jogging 1minggu sebelum pendakian dan persiapan peralatan mendaki.

Tahun lalu tepatnya tanggal 5 Juni 2016, saya dan teman-teman berangkat dari Jogja ke arah Temanggung dan memasuki desa Sigedang/Tambi. Kami berjumlah 7 orang, dengan 2wanita dan 5pria. Saya baru pertama kali ini berencana untuk mendaki gunung karena memang pada dasarnya saya suka mengexplore alam. Jalur pendakian untuk menuju gunung sindoro ini sebetulnya ada banyak, namun kami memilih untuk melewati jalur via Sigedang/Tambi ini karena jaraknya dekat Jogja dan tidak perlu memutari gunung.
Perjalanan kami mulai dari jam 3 sore dari Basecamp, menuju Pos 1 melalui hamparan kebun teh  Tambi dengan berjalan kaki. Sebenarnya untuk menuju Pos 1 bisa ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki ataupun menyewa mobil losbak yang disediakan oleh warga sekitar. Kira2 50ribu sekali angkut. Tapi kami memilih untuk berjalan kaki sebagai pemanasan, dan kami pun bisa menikmati pemandangan alam yang begitu indah disini.

Jalur menuju puncak dari kebun teh ini sudah merupakan jalur setapak, selepas melewati kebun teh kita akan mulai masuk ke dalam batas hutan dan terus berjalan keatas. Dalam perjalanan keatas suasana sudah mulai gelap dan kita diwajibkan untuk memakai senter. Jalur yang berbatu akan kita jumpai dari mulai masuk hutan sampai keatas. Jalur ini memang terkenal dengan jalur berbatu dengan waktu tempuh yang lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan jalur via kledung.

Jalur berupa batuan dan bidang yang sangat terjal cukup menguras tenaga, sehingga kami memutuskan untuk bermalam di Pos 3. Sehingga besok pagi nya kami bisa langsung summit ke puncak. Sekitar jam 6 kami memutuskan untuk melanjutkan sampai kepuncak. Terus berjalan naik sambil menikmati indahnya pemandangan yang adaa disekitar kami, tak terasa sudah jam 10 pagi dan belum juga sampai puncak. Mungkin karena kebanyakan ngobrol dan terlalu santai jalannya wkwwk.. dan akhirnya jam 12 kami sampai dipuncak.

Ini adalah foto yang sempat saya abadikan ketika sedang menikmati pemandangan dari atas gunung. Dari sini saja kalian sudah bisa melihat jajaran gunung yang berada di Jawa Tengah yaitu Gunung Ungaran, Merbabu, Merapi dan Sumbing yang berada diselatan gunung Sindoro ini. Saya sangat bersyukur bisa menikmati karya Allah yang sangat indah di bumi Indonesia. Namun sayangnya masih banyak pendaki nakal yang masih tidak mau membawa turun sampah yang mereka bawa dari bawah. Sehingga mengkotori gunung yang seharusnya dijaga kelestarian dan kebersihannya.

Sinopsis Novel "Winter in Tokyo" dalam Bahasa Inggris

| Kamis, 13 Juli 2017 | |

Winter in Tokyo is one of the four novel series written by Ilana Tan. As the novel others namely, Summer in Seoul, Autumn in Paris and Spring in London, this novel also using the names of the season as the title, the Winter in Tokyo or if interpreted into Indonesian to "Winter in Tokyo".
Winter in Tokyo tells of a love story of a girl Indonesia - Japan named Keiko Ishida. Keiko who was 25 years old working in public libraries in Shinjuku and stayed in one modest apartment in downtown Tokyo. He is obsessed with his first love, Akira Kitano which has helped him find a necklace granting lost her grandmother as a child. Keiko hope that one day he will meet with Akira.
One day, the apartments that also housed Keiko Osawa husband and wife, Keiko, and brothers Sato Haruka and Tomoyuki Sato, the arrival of new residents, a man named Kazuto Nishimura who occupy the apartment number 201 is located next to the apartment Keiko. Kazuto who is men of Japanese ancestry back to Tokyo after 10 years living in New York, United States. Kazuto homecoming to Tokyo because he wanted to escape from the memories of the girl he likes to be married to his best friend.
An intimate relationship between fellow apartment dwellers transmitted to Kazuto who initially did not want too bothered by how neighbors. But with Keiko, a handsome man when living in New York have worked as a professional photographer, feel life fun. Keiko himself felt that Kazuto is reliable friends, though Keiko was upset because Kazuto thought he was Naomi, twin sister Keiko, a famous model from Japan who work in the England.
After a month of build together, there is a new feeling in the hearts of Kazuto. Kazuto plan expressed his feelings on his return from Kyoto Keiko, Keiko's parents residence. However Unfortunately, Kazuto amnesia as a result of being hit a number of thugs as he returned from the station to Keiko deliver. Kazuto also forgot everything that happened during the last month when he stay in Tokyo. He can not even remember if he had settled in one of the apartments and have neighbors who care about him. Married couple Osawa, Haruka Sato, Sato Tomoyuki and Keiko, is very worrying Kazuto, who never returned to the apartment, Keiko after he drove to the train station. Kazuto was oblivious to her feelings for Keiko, especially when he knows that Keiko had met first love had been sought by Keiko, Akira Kitano, which has become a doctor and a former classmate of Kazuto at the junior high.
On the other hand, Keiko began to realize her feelings for Kazuto. However, the arrival of Yuri Iwamoto, the girl who loved Kazuto, make Keiko harbored feelings. Moreover, the arrival of Yuri to Tokyo, not just a matter of work but also requested Kazuto return to New York, with because Yuri began to realize his feelings for Kazuto.
Although forgot about shared memories Keiko, Kazuto once again fall in love with Keiko. He feel any different when shared Keiko. When Kazuto will declare his feelings to Keiko, again Kazuto were again attacked by thugs who attacked him earlier. False one of the thugs was hit head Kazuto and finally memories Kazuto during a month in Tokyo that was forgotten again.
He once again fell in love with Keiko. However, Kazuto can not complain when Keiko relationship with Akira Kitano more intimate. It all felt so wrong. Until finally Keiko Ishida really realized his love for Kazuto Nishimura, and the same goes with Kazuto Nishimura already recovered the memory is still in love with Keiko Ishida before, during and after amnesia. And finally they were together.

Sinopsis Novel "Summer in Seoul" dalam Bahasa Inggris

| Kamis, 13 Juli 2017 | |

Starting from the story of a famous singer in Seoul Jung Tae Woo visiting to mini market to buy souju and met a woman named Han Soo He is better known as Sandy. Sandy the Indonesia-Korea. They phone and ringtones are the same, when paying dikasir, sandy phone put on the table as well as Tae-woo laid over the kitchen and adjacent the phone. Sandy calculate stuff and Tae-woo first pay, so when Tae-woo finished paying and taking wrong turns his phone take. many phone enter unfamiliar and she thought wrong number. Sandy the first realize that her phone exchanged directly contact him and he asked The man came home. The meeting was finally brought Sandy on collaboration with artist Tae-woo. Sandy college kids apprenticeship as assistant famous designer in seoul. His name is Mister Kim person very well and understand Sandy. Sandy often asked to deliver clothes to the customer, he accidentally submit an order clothes for Tae woo. From there they often meet.

Tae-woo was rumored as a gay as never seen together a woman. Tae-woo and Park Yun Shik manager looking for a way out for dismissed the rumors. That is the way every Sandy as her lover, only in the photos. So, Tae-woo and Sandy were photographed for later photo. The deployed as evidence Tae woo a girlfriend and was not gay. Sandy agree provided that no visible face. No mention of the reason why Sandy agree, Sandy themselves are unaware mengaap he agreed. This is the secret of their threes between Sandy, Tae-woo and Park Yun Shik. Friends of Sandy, Young Mi very fanatic and crazy about Tae Woo. In contrast to Sandy were just mediocre. Sandy to keep his secret meetings because if Young Mi know will be excited and raises new scandals. Once the media know if Tae-woo has had a lover, Direct media hunt for the woman. Although not seen his face he sandy  feel anxious if caught media especially caught his parents.

Over time, their secret is revealed, when Sandy Tae woo invited to a big event such as awards shows or do not know. Young Mi call sandy to tell if Tae Woo brings his girlfriend in the class event. But when the Young Mi call, lover Tae woo on television, it picked up the phone and then switched off. Exactly Young Mi call sandy. Young Mi do the same thing many times and he got the same answer many times. He increasingly suspicious and sandy finally confessed. He asked Young Mi keeping the secret and sandy sure no any relationship is just an act.

Was never suspected theatrical run sandy and Tae woo more than expectations. They are increasingly familiar and looks like real lovers. Even Mother Tae woo already know if Sandy is the name of boyfriend Tae-woo and ask Sandy keeping Tae woo. Her mother was very fond of Sandy. During her time as "lover" Tae-woo, during which Sandy chased by Lee Su Jeoung, sandy ex still loves Sandy. And once cheated at Jin Dare class brothers. Sandy remained good, although nominally had not touch again.

Tae-woo to a sandy feeling increasingly become, when the apartment sandy fire, Tae woo rushed to the site and ensure sandy fine. Sandy living with Tae woo. She called her mother to let her condition now who do not have anything else. When asked who he lived with his mother already suspicious if Sandy was left with famous artists. The news has reached Indonesia. Everyone is talking about it. His mother always pry scene 4 last year. Sandy Truth can not be overlooked, the truth about his sister, Lisa, who loves Tae-woo, fanatic fans. But when jostle Tae-woo actually hit his brother to death. Tae woo ever told me about it, and Tae-woo Sandy sense of innocence. driver who Tae-woo control the car. But Tae-woo never know if the fans are dead it is someone's brother Sandy. So, really know, Tae Woo stunned. It also does not think that Sandy will be revenge because it did not happen. 

And until such time as wafted media. Everything. Event 4 years ago back prying media. Tae-woo must confront and Sandy chose to return to Indonesia during one Sunday. Days where sandy should return to Seoul, he fateful accident. Tare who is a cousin Sandy immediately notify the sandy friend Young Mi about sandy critical news. Young Mi and update Tae Woo. And Tae-woo rushed to Indonesia, Jakarta to visit Sandy. Once awake, they both longing after all this time they did not meet. Finally their charade becomes reality. They become lovers. And Sandy brought to America by Tae Woo for vacation and meet the Tae Woo  parents. While parents Sandy has given up event four years ago. And everything back.

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